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 Runes Remediation project_

This assignment was for the writing 220 course as the follow up to our repurposing paper as the final project for the course.  For this project I took my repurposing paper and remediated it into a webpage.  My original paper that I had repurposed was about the uses of Runic letters in ancient times, so for my repurposing paper I change the paper to focus on Runic letter use in the modern era.  This project was interesting for me to do because it was unique to any other type of writing I had done before this, mostly because I was able to present my finding in a more interactive way that showed they type of script I was writing about in my paper. I chose to do my project about Runic letters because I had remembered enjoying learning about them before and thought that project would be interesting and something I would stay engage with.  This piece exemplified a different way of how I enjoy writing about language and enjoy the intricacies of it. 

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